Contact Michael Schwark by email, phone, or the form on this webpage (click the box above for the form) to schedule an initial meeting if you wish to participate or have questions about the process.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process whereby any adult (persons age 7 and older) interested in joining the Catholic Church, gradually enters into an understanding of Christ and His Church in preparation for Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Inquirers are given the opportunity to learn more about the Catholic faith as they deepen their relationship with God. We try to meet the needs of each individual unique inquirer that shows interest in the discernment process. Each inquirer is to have a sponsor, who has the wonderful opportunity to share in the faith journey of their candidate as a fellow companion who will grow in his/her own faith too!
Children between ages 7-16 who have never been baptized or were baptized in another Christian denomination would also participate in a process similar to the adults.
“The essence of Christianity is not an idea, not a system of thought, not a plan of action. The essence of Christianity is a Person: Jesus Christ Himself.”
~ Pope Benedict XVI